Amazon S3 Integration


We are pleased to announce that recently we added Amazon S3 services support, integrated to Hoopoe.

Using Amazon S3 services users can have extended storage support from Amazon Web Services (AWS), also communicating with other cloud systems, such as EC2 and more, to offer variety of processing capabilities.

Users who would like to use Amazon S3 can do it with a very intuitive interface, specifying the buckets and objects they use, following S3 semantics and terms, so Hoopoe can offer bi-directional communication with S3, for reading data, and outputting computed results.

We will follow with more articles presenting best practices guide for using Amazon S3 with Hoopoe.

As general information, users can use the following details to recognize Hoopoe in Amazon S3.

Hoopoe Amazon S3 details:

  • E-mail Username:
  • Canonical User ID: 939155fee5acfced9622d4a7df63e8a1fd54a24290a81871fd7d20f43aa758dd

We highly encourage users to use the email form for Hoopoe support when adding an ACL record in Amazon S3.

For more information about Amazon S3:

Hoopoe Cloud.